Everything is possible its just requires time…to figure(google:) out how it can be done.
What is the primary goal for this project? To make stuff or a typical university project for your masters degree?
I don’t know your skills regarding knowledge and programming in labview but it will be complicated and a lot of time to make all things to work. Personally I have never used labview so can’t help out with that.
I have read thorough the doc for the 7344 and it only allows 4 axis control. There are a lot of pins out there but can’t use them for extra axis control. If you need more axis get a 6 axis card for a ton of money… or forget this motion controller card and labview. on the other hand it looks like this card will be able to control with PWM the hotends and the heated bed, but it will require programming in labview.
For the 3D printer parts.
Complete dual head extruder with hotend makerbot style:
There are other options for the hotend and the extruder but it will just work out of the box.
Just check E3D website what they have:
These can be purchased also from ebay/aliexpress for much less money the only question is the quality.
For the stepper motor(s) it will be required a stepper driver.
Two options here you can use cheap drivers used by 3D printers and wire them somehow to your electronics:
or buy a better controller with a normal enclosure like the dm422:
There are other drivers also these two just are examples. Lets say the cheapest and the best option 
For the heated bed I will have to know what size will be required, if you want to print just PLA its not even required but make things easier for bigger parts to prevent warping. and better adhesion to the build plate.
Just for a side note if you drill with a cnc machine small (0.7mm diameter) holes into a aluminum 3mm-4mm plate it can be also good for adhesion so no heat bed required. A friend of mine just tested this (Idea came from Zortax m200 3d printers print bed)
Here is a video about it:
I can’t tell how this solution will work for bigger parts but it looks promising.
For the normal heat bed I would suggest using silicone heat pads running from 110/220V controlled with solid state relay.
These have a thermistor inside to control the temperature just put under a 3mm-4mm alu plate and will work fine.
If you have reached this point please read my post again and try to answer my questions 