Hi all on 3D Hubs,

Queen Mary University of London 3D Hubs Ambassador here! throwing a degree show next month, would love to see 3D Hub members coming along!!!

Industrial viewing: 15th June 2016, at 5:30 - 9pm,
General Entry: 16th & 17th June, 10am - 6pm
At the People’s Palace, Queen Mary University of London!

We are a collective of Final Year interdisciplinary Designers, Innovators, Scientists and Engineering students. With the aim of bridging the Art, Science & Engineering divide.

Showcasing extensive final year work in the fields of product, medical, surface and wearable design innovation. This is not only the output of an entire year of work but also demonstrates the culmination of the previous 3 or 4 years of study towards a BEng or MEng degree.

Innovative Heroes: We’ve invited back some of our brightest graduates to showcase their work and demonstrate the future potential of Queen Mary designers. Heroes this year include -Mayku which is on course to secure over $500,000 backing from the Kickstarter community.

Venue: The Foyer, People’s Palace, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, E1 4NS

Find tickets at:


@billie_2 this looks awesome!!

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@billie_2 - I just tried to get tickets and they all say unavailable. :frowning:

Tickets are now live! Look forward to see you there!

Thanks @billie_2

I’ve just got mine for the Wednesday night

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We just booked our tickets. Looking forward to seeing the work.

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Our bureaus has just moved to London. Would love to check this out!