Eclipse for C++ by itself won’t do for programming a robot.
You’ll need to install this plugin for it, and maybe install the nececary compilers for AVR. I recommend doing it on a linux system if possible, but you should be able to set things up on windows too.
Actually, for Windows there is a nice IDE from Atmel that you should be able to use, Atmel Studio, which probably is even better suited!
You’ll also need the hardware.
If you have a normal Arduino then you are ready to go! The eclipse plugin has a preset for the Arduino to program it, and it won’t override the bootloader so you’ll be safe to play around! I am not sure about Atmel Studio, but I am confident that the community has a solution ^^
For programming microcontrollers in C or C++, a lot of things behave the same way. If’s, whiles, for loops and everything.
There is, however, one main difference in how you communicate to the outside world: With so-called registers.
Registers are fixed-position memory slots that do something very specific. For example, the “PORTA” register controls the input or output mode of certain pins.
I’d recommend googling around and reading up a bit on what they do, but they are very simple to understand.
Oh, and I’d also recommend a good understanding of the binary operators ^(xor), &(and), |(or), ~(not) and <<(left-shift), they can get handy.
If you want to get some sourcecode examples, feel free to delve into mine, though I would rather recommend searching up some tutorials. (My code really needs documentation X3)
For extra information:
The chip you are using with the Arduino is an ATMega328-P, an 8-Bit AVR processor, running at 16Mhz
The compiler used for it is AVR-Gcc
Just some extra bits if you want to search up something ^^