Hello, I recently bought a Tronxy x3a, and have experienced quite the learning curve. The hardware, physics, chemistry behind it?; I can do it in my sleep. The software, however… I’m a kinesthetic learner. I have always been naturally good at anything hands-on and mechanical. I have been taking things apart to understand how they work since I was a toddler. Machining, welding, fabricating, solidworks, AutoCAD (any cad/cam environment of any kind)…those are easy for me because they’re visual. I have always struggled to visualize code. My father is a master’s level software engineer, and my brother is a professor of computer science. I’m…not. I had to get rid of the 8 bit board; I tried to follow other’s instructions on how to flash the firmware using Arduino ide… I was lost. I recently purchased a Duet WiFi motherboard and a 5" Duet touchscreen. I also got an e3d volcano extruder in 3.0mm, and modified my printer to fit the new parts. I also had to fabricate almost all the brackets over again out of 6mm aircraft grade 6061-T6 aluminum, because the included acrylic pieces were so cheap you couldn’t tighten the screws enough to remove the mechanical slop without breaking them. NOW, it’s as strong as a tank. It’s as precise as I can make it, and I got what (from the research I did) seems to be the best controller system money can buy. My questions are as follows: Can I still use Repetier to control the printer? If not, what software do I need? (What is fairly plug and play?) Does anyone know how to auto level/home/set the extents(maximum build dimensions) with this board? Sigh. I’ll get there. Tyler (who is beginning to feel old)