A problem has started with my sunhokey i3 prusa. for some reason the extruder nozzle does not reach the set temperature of 240Deg. i just halts between 226 and 230. From the RAMPS board i can see the LED corresponding to the nozzle heater blink when it reaches 230 and then falls back to 226. Never had this problem earlier. it would ramp to 240 easily.
If it was working fine in the past, check you wire and connector to the heater cartridge, just set the printhead to 240c and check the cables and connectors for any heating. I had once an issue with a connector not making proper connection and the connector melted.
Also do you have the print cooling fan running when the print head heats up? Do you have any insulation on the print head heater block?
I have prusa i3 rep rap 3d printer. I bought it somewhat one week ago. In my printer the nozzle temperature is not increasing after 180 deg celsius though i connected my extruder fan to 5 volts. If someone give some solution, that will be useful for me.