
My name is Ray Carter and I would like to have a 3D print of my MPC 2000XL (drum machine). Looking for anyone that can provide the services including a .STL draft.

My goal with this project is to have a 3D print the size of a CD jewel case, except modified to seem as if it were damaged by the passage of time, resembling a fossilized item found in a futuristic archeological dig. This mold will be used as a prop for another project.

If interested please hit me up here on 3Dhubs.

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I can help you with that. As far as far as degradation, we have several options for that using material mods in a handful 3D modeling software sweets.

Tony Morris


We would be interested and happy to help on the project. The most expensive part of this project would be creating a 3d rendering of your drum machine. We charge $60/hour and I would imagine it taking at least 10 hours with how detailed it is. Ifwe could find a file similar to the one on a public domain site, it might be significantly shorter. However the print you would like is small. I’m guessing it would cost no more than $40. If you wanted a larger one, our printer can print up to 600mm x 600mm x 600mm.

Let me know if you’d like to move forward or have any questions.

- Stephanie

“Software suites” - iPhone auto correct


I’ve located a Reconnaissance already and finding a 2000 shouldn’t be hard, as I’ve got associates here in Dallas. If you request a quote or contact me via the Hub, I can PM you the details.

Tony Morris

i could do the 3d model for aprox 400 depending on the amount of weathering, printing would be using my printers normal startup and run costs

Hi, are those 2 pictures showing the item that needs to be modeled and printed?

i would be interested, but I want to determine if my printer will have enough detail to do the job. Please comment.

thank you!

Hello Ray,

Here are a couple of renderings of the model I made last night. I can add weathering and aging easily.
render1.png rrender2.png


Update to add zip drive and ports
rrender3.png rrender4.png

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Hi Shane
Wow! I like you’re initiative and I got your message. This is some neat work. Im going to email you.

Hi Krosnyak
The details I want to showcase are the vital parts (pads, buttons, screen), the face. Keeping it minimal is the goal. Reference to the renderings, this is how detailed Im looking to go considering my budget.

Whats your rate for a .STL draft and print for this type of work?

Hi CoffeeOutlaw

I appreciate your response, however 400 is out of my bracket.


I was wondering if you’re planning on using the quoting system via 3D Hubs. Also, instead of modeling the drum machine, which takes time and money, why not just scan the machine in full color? You’ll have an instant .stl file, as well as color and texture in an .obj and/or .wrl ready for 3D print. That’s why I asked if you were going to send out quote request. This is a 2-4 hour effort, start to finish effort with one perquisite, that you have a drum machine to scan. That’s why I notified you that I’d located the machines.

Tony Morris

Hi Tony, I moderated out your phone number and website from the comments. Moving forward, would you mind using a link to your Hub as contact details? Thanks

Understood. Fore of habit. However, I’m disappointed that’s the first thing in the thread that got noticed.


Hi Tony,
I do plan to keep the quoting in the Hub considering its simplicity and network. I do own the drum machine.
Please send me a quote on 3DHub for a scan from GoFigur3D, including the degradation.

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for the response. Considering your hourly rate, its a little out of my bracket. I do respect everyones price, Im just looking for possibilities and services within my budget.



I have a detailed quote ready for you and it shows the process, tasks and cost. The way the hub is set up (I believe) is you have to go to my hub and “Request a Quote”. This allows me to send it to you.



Sorry, Tony, didn’t mean it like that. Your input is surely appreciated! :wink: