Pla and a home made printer based on a reprap .1mm it also dose it on .2mm,20mm/s infill and 10mm/s perimeter also dose it on 5mm/s perimeter
their was a problem with my z axis threaded rod to motor adapter but now its fixed
Maybe your are over extruding. Calibrate with triffids guide.
How many perimeter walls do you use and which slicer are you using…
depends on witch axis you are printing along as there is luck of info I would pint two reasons:
1 tolerance on belts check belts and pulleys tight them up.
2 check you print head mounting position if there is no movement there.
Looks like movement of some sort. I built a prusa mendal, (reprap home built). At this point I have switched over to an all metal head (MK8 type). See my thingiverse: MK8 Printhead horizontal Carriage and Ninja Flex / TPU Filament path Adapter by dmyers7 - Thingiverse 5. I was using a head that used a peak insulator before and everytime the peak insulator got a crack the head would get loose and start doing stuff like this. The all metal head solved the problem. It is possible you have a bad stepper driver or sometimes I just move the driver pots back and further and back to the original setting to clean them when the printer starts acting funky with skipped steps.
I am also assuming that this problem did not exist before?
It’s called z-wobble…
Hold your object against your leadscrew of the z-axis: You will see that the ripples match the screw.
Hard to tell in the pic, if the ripple is climbing with the z-Axis, I absolutely agree.
OK, there’s two major reasons that might be having. One might be that you’re using inch threads in a metric machine. In that case, you’d need to restrict yourself to very specific Z heights to compensate, or switch to metric screws. The reason for this is rounding errors in setting the Z height, so it’s not advancing the correct amount per layer, some layers would squish, others might be too loose.
The other major possibility is your Z screws are over constrained, any problems in the Z threads, such as a curvature of the threaded rod, would distort the the frame. This means isolating the nut from the carriage. For your machine, I would try this: Prusa Z Screw Isolator by DaleDunn - Thingiverse 14
The OP’s problem has nothing to do with the hot end.
Also, it’s not a problem with the drivers. Driver skips aren’t like this at all.
This is correct.
The fact is, we need more details about what we are looking at and if the machine ever worked or this is the first run. I’ve had shifting layers with driver layers, so you con’t say it is not a driver issue. That will manifest in many ways.
Driver problems causing such a very periodic shifting on X and Y axes is very low on the likelihood list. Driver problems far more likely cause random, aperiodic shifting.
Here’s a list of far more likely reasons, and what can be done about it.
I had a very similar problem recently - I upgraded to Acme metric rods and metal couplers, which helped a lot… but the problem continued at a lower scale. I finally resolved it completely by running the PID calibration for my heated bed - the bed was warming up and cooling off in a regular pattern that showed up every five or 8 layers. As soon as I calibrated, my prints came out very smooth.
I also had horizontal ribbing/patterning too - my extruder driver was set too high and it was pulsing on every step, which in turn cause the plastic to ripple in a repeating pattern. I turned it down and now it exports smoothly.
Hi I have the same problem with my Z-AXIS.
My printer looks like this: 7
It’s a modified version of Prusa-Mendel called BiBONE with a print bed 300x300.
My prints look much like in the djake77’s photo.
I’ve been fighting with this problem for a while now and still don’t have a clue what’s wrong:/
Have you tried to put an indicator on it and run a program moving up on the Z axis? Check backlash, make sure your axis aren’t binding anywhere. Lawsy at soliforums did work on this issue a few years back. 5
Hey @LarissaViv , Did you manage to improve it and see what was wrong?
I would agree with JRD10, sounds like it is vibration in the Z Screw. I thought i might have a similar problem but i have been able to come up with a solution. My ripples are diagonal, not horizontal on the Z axis. So i believe it is a problem with my extruder under extruding then overextruding. I have adjusted and readjusted the extrusing in firmware and tried messing with the estusion multiplier with no success.
Anybody got any thoughts?
So did this actually solve your problem?