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21 / 21
Dec 2016

It was me with my dad. So together it was 6 hours. There were so many screws that it was just all about having enough time. I heard other people took 8 and more hours to do it alone.

This is amazingggggg! Camille95_ze_boss approves :smiley: @subohm @derKarsten

Very nice to see the result of putting your printer together Arnoldas! Hope it will make some very awesome prints in the future!

25 days later

Arnoldas, Congratulations my man! Looks really good! What have you made so far with your printer? I may have some cool projects I can give you to try. Good luck!

1 year later

Hi! I’m currently looking for my first 3d printer (and it’s kind of a pain…) for a 400 dollars / euros budget. So far the prusia seem to be the most adviced choice, what would you advice between yours and the prusia? Quality print and precision being the most important for me.
