Also off topic:
We actually print a ton of the Cube Gears off thingiverse for office workers to put on their desks. Every time we give one away we hear back that all visitors walk in, pick up the cube and start twisting it and asking questions. I ran into an issue a while back where I had dozens of spools of 10-100g of filament that I didn’t want to throw away and couldn’t use for orders so I just started printing pokemon and other little trinkets to give away.
It’s the same type of evangelism we did with bitcoin in 2010-2012 and continue today. We used to give out 10BTC ($30 at the time $6,000 now) silver physical bitcoins to promote awareness. Although I don’t think anyone will be selling a cube for 200X what they cost in a few years the goal of spreading awareness still applies.
Hello Miaviator
Your input is great.
3D hubs has operational costs and lives on the commission that they make on us. At $.10 per cm3 there is no business for them or for us.
We are not very different from a mechanic in a garage who has operational costs and charges a certain fee per hour and makes a profit with his hand labor, knowledge and even on the shipping of the spare parts he sales. Is that wrong or bad?
We all know how much a car mechanic charges and the same formula, as you have shown, should be used for makers with 3d printers.
We all need to feed our families and there is nothing wrong in making a profit.
We still believe there should be a BASE PRICE so we can all stand in common ground.
Here is what I should have wrote before all else lol!!! Sorry to all I have offended (if any at all)!!! I LOVE 3d Hubs and all of its community!
LOL Sorry But I have to add this lol, We are an international community!!! and so proud to be a part of this awesomeness!!!
(while maybe not proud to be a part of this conversation anymore) but guys We all get to share our opinions and that is part of what makes this community so great! The initial Post scared me and that is why I responded to it,( and read it three times). I am sorry if I misunderstood what you were communicating, but I also have a Young gentleman in my neck of the woods that started after I did, and OH My Goodness!!! WOW this kid (young adult)has blown everyone around here out of the water with his amount of work! But THAT IS FREAKIN COOL!!! I am astonished by him, and just downright impressed!!! He is kickin butt and taking Names lol, but I am super happy for him! I would Love to meet him, and my hat is off to him! also though I don’t feel threatened by him and I would hate for some entity to step in and tell him cannot do this anymore! It is his time, money, and life! Who would I be to tell him how to conduct his booming business, when it is clearly devouring mine lol, but I am serious, I am super stoked for him! also If I wanted I could do the same thing, and this is what keeps the prices fair for the CONSUMER.
Now mind that Price Control ect are different… But however I just don’t want anymore Price Floors, or ceilings and I am just down right against more regulations on pricing. I think the power of free will is awesome and the right to choose / set our own prices(and PRICE FLOOR) is a privilege, and A PRIVILEGE I LOVE! I cringe at the thought of someone telling what amount of monetary value I should project/impose/access upon myself. (this is what worried me originally)
I think 3d Hubs has made an Awesome Pricing System, with all the different options on how to calculate volume “bounding box” ect… , and Price wars are never fun when we are doing this for survival, but that is how most of this world operates. Competition can be friendly or it can be a Bear… good luck to all and HAPPY PRINTING
PS. This is what I Love we can all sit around and discuss and even argue occasionally or agree to disagree and AGREE!!!
and it all gets worked out and the misunderstandings normally fade away… It can be frustrating wanting jobs and constantly getting underbid, but I think there must be a better solution yet to come., like letting time straighten this out.or
You can always educate others as well drumming up new business…it can be a blast and enlightening to the community at the same time! If you need good quality clients, just a suggestion is start teaching seminars at your local libraries ect… CHEERS!
Also LOOKING over a few things I WOULD LIKE TO SAY HOW IMPORTANT I THINK IT IS TO SUPPORT 3d Hubs!!! and to run every job through their site, especially Not encourage people to submit their Jobs through Email as this is fair to NO ONE PERIOD!!!
There IS A BASE PRICE already.
It is $1.00 per order and $.01 per cm3.
So we can all stand on common ground can we agree that there is a base price? Will you not agree with facts? Does your belief preclude you from reality?
Here is proof, evidence, facts: 2 You can see this BASE PRICE for yourself as well. Just enter 0 into the per print and per cm3 boxes.
Hello Miaviator!
Thank you for
The limits are unrealistic: who prints at $500 per cm3?
That $0.01 is what allows Hubs to put very low prices and it should be raised to something that reflects true operational costs.
I just hope that all of this has been read by someone at 3D Hubs.
Thank you for your inputs.
Have a great weekend!
Part of the problem with this whole discussion is people trying to put apples and oranges in the same basket. A hub operator who spends $3000 on equipment, will obviously have a much higher cost structure than the one who spends $400. Do you expect the price of a print to be the same? No. Quality? Possibly, but unlikely. Either way, how can you expect the lower cost hub to charge more just so the other can “cover costs”?
This brings up another point. Hobbyist versus business. Do you treat your hub as a business? IS IT a business? Operating a business is apples to the hobbyists oranges when looking at a hub. As a hobbyist, if I just want earn a little extra to support running my printer, and am unconcerned with “operating costs”, why should I be forced to charge more?
Businesses and hobbyists aren’t competitors, they are separate worlds in the 3D printing universe. As such, setting a base price that favors the higher cost hubs, will severely hamper the rest of a community like 3DHubs.
To the OP: You wrote 2 thing I think undermine your position.
1. “If he would charge the correct price…” correct according to who? Correct according to what criteria? “Correct” is a very subjective term.
2. “Regardless, a client should pay a fair price for the work that it takes to deliver a 3d print.” Again, fair according to who?
Overall, the 3d printing market is being flooded with people and companies willing to sell their services and products. There are too many options out there to think a business-like hub could, or should, be compared to (or operated like) a hobby one. Apples and oranges.
A product is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. It is up to the seller to determine if producing the product is worth the price.
I agree with this, but you can’t blame people. They don’t know good quality from bad quality prints. Most people would choose a mediocre print from a low-cost FDM machine for $15 vs a super high resolution print from a top of the line SLA machine for $30. I have 7 reviews on my hub, but ever since hubs near me starting doing cheap prints for $5 - $15 the orders stopped.
OK… There is a lot of going back and forth on this thread… There are a lot of good points that we should all take under consideration…
With th this in mind and to satisfy both the hobbyist and the pro, I suggest splitting 3D Hubs into 2 separate entities… Keeping 3D Hubs as it is for hobbyist and create a secondary sister site, something like “Pro 3D Hubs” that ONLY OFFERS AND ACCEPTS high end equipment, top of the line materials and people that run their Hub as a business…
This is way a customer can choose from the get go if they want to run their part through a hobby hub or a professional business Hub that has tons of experience, and that offers guarantees and top of the line service…
As as it was earlier portrayed, mixing apples and oranges, makes it more difficult for a customer to correctly choose between hobby or pro, creates anger and commotion between hubbers as we have seen in this post, and reduces the chances for order for both hobby and pro hub. Not to mention all hubs that have been “generically” setup, that have no tangible description, project images, reviews, or links to other social media, negatively impact the overall image of 3D Hubs… The quick fix for this would be that any hub that has been inactive for more then 60 days is automatically disabled until it is either fully populated with the above mentioned info, or otherwise confirmed to be active by its owner…
i totally agree. Printers on 3D hubs are advertising way to cheap. I just sent a model to be printed at a big toronto company and it would have been $2300 to print. If i were to print the same thing on 3D hubs it would be around $200 probably. People cannot afford to have 3D printing business because 3D hubs prices are so cheap. Everyone will go to 3D hubs for prints and the 3D printing companies will go bankrupt. i just bought a $5000 printer and have it on 3D hubs but at the rate of what i might make from 3D hubs i will be paying for the printer for 3 years and thats not including other costs or a profit. Something needs to be done before the business in 3D printing is just not possible.