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Nov 2017

Hey 3D Hubs.

I have recently moved location, and Hub area. On looking at my hub in the listing, I noticed that I am based “United Kingdom” which URL points to the correct page, and “Preston” (which is correct) - but the URL states this “https://www.3dhubs.com/3dprint/Preston--Australia” which puts me as Preston in Australia? I don’t think this is correct? When I do searches for Hubs near me, I do appear, but concerned that the breadcrumb trail of location is putting Preston, UK as Preston, AU?!!


  • created

    Nov '17
  • last reply

    Nov '17
  • 2


  • 1.7k


  • 2


Hey Steve,
This is Nahla from 3D Hubs here. Thanks for reaching out about this and we are sorry about that error. I have already reported this issue to our Development team and they will be looking in to it as soon as possible.
Thank you for flagging this!
Nahla - 3D Hubs