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Aug 2014

Hey guys,

When my print is done, I’m always afraid to break it while removing it from the printer.

Do you have any tips ? Here a picture of a particularly sensitive print I took a while to remove.

Thanks in advance

  • created

    Aug '14
  • last reply

    Mar '15
  • 15


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  • 8


Hi @JulieSillam,

when you print PLA and have a heated bed you can print on glass.

When the print is finished and the object is cooled down you can just take it (or slide it) of the glass.

I clean the glass with alcohol before I start the print.

Only if you have very large/wide objects you have a risk of warping but you can prevent that by using Pritt glue only on the outter parts.

When you use pritt and can’t get the object off after cooling down (or using it on a cold bed) you can just take the whole bed and put it in some warm water. Wait for a while until the Pritt glue is solved by tge water and you can take off the part.

I hope that helps :wink: !

Kind regards, Guy

Thanks Guy for having taken the time to answer. This is super nice of you. I’ll definitely try that and let you know, but you look like a real pro, I have no doubt it will work :wink:

@sandrako shall we get back to printing ?

Best regards,


Yes thats true. I actually got myself wider blue tape to make that less of an issue :slight_smile:

  1. Consider blue painter’s tape. It is worth the price. Your parts will stay in place but won’t get stuck.
  2. Use some tools
  3. I mainly use a japanese spatula (translation from French) - La Boutique Du Carrossier 106
  4. I used to use a sharper tool, but I hurt myself and did some scratch on the plastic bed of my Replicator 2
  5. For some parts, you can use a screwdriver. It offers a great lever and is quite harmless.
  6. Proceed with caution. Many 3D printers’ accidents append during the removal and finishing proces.
6 months later