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Aug 2014

A UM2 will have a glass build plat - so i am asuming the white is glue?

If you are using it hit then let it cool down first and the print should just pop off.

I fina ascraper (with a razor blade) works well to just start the popping off process :slight_smile:


Nice one! I have a putty scraper for construction… sometimes it works. But this idea is even better… sharper! Mine won’t work on big areas attached to the bed.

Yes thats true. I actually got myself wider blue tape to make that less of an issue :slight_smile:

  1. Consider blue painter’s tape. It is worth the price. Your parts will stay in place but won’t get stuck.
  2. Use some tools
  3. I mainly use a japanese spatula (translation from French) - La Boutique Du Carrossier 106
  4. I used to use a sharper tool, but I hurt myself and did some scratch on the plastic bed of my Replicator 2
  5. For some parts, you can use a screwdriver. It offers a great lever and is quite harmless.
  6. Proceed with caution. Many 3D printers’ accidents append during the removal and finishing proces.
6 months later