Hey I’m a 17 year old who has designed and built a delta style 3D printer. I am looking to get into the industry and I have a few questions if anyone could answer them for me.
I would like to get into designing and building printers. I really like the process of designing something and watching it become a reality.
My first question is, what kind of education are companies looking for? Would a 2 year technical be enough? or should I be looking at 4 year collages? Or are they looking at experience more than education?
Also what are some entry level possessions that I can start looking to get into. I would like to get into the industry as I go to school so I can get a head start.
Is there anyone I can contact? I have reached out to a few companies already but I’m always looking for new contacts.
Any other information would be great!
Tommy F
If you can design and build your own printers why are you looking for a job? Shouldn’t you be looking for employees?
Also, look around your local area for designers, engineers and managers of the types of firms you are thinking of working for and invite them to lunch one on one to learn how they got where they are.