@ @hannahbi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cant we just get a complete list of badges somewhere and a link if we want that badge? would be much more simple than people have to beg for it
Hi @Davide_14, sorry this whole badge situation got so frustrating. We’re planning on expanding the current badge system, which right now is focused on participating in projects, based on the Hub’s printer model, location and rating, like: Lock Nesters, Fairphone cases or the Marvin Christmas Ornaments. We got delayed a bit with so many awesome projects in the pipeline but please rest assured that as soon as we have updates on this one we’ll let you guys know. Thanks for the patience! Cheers
Been 3 moths still waiting for the badges. I appreciate you guys are busy. I love the new updates to the system. But I would still like to chance to sign up for the badges Kind regards Bonne
Hey Alex, nice seeing you around As soon as we have the list finalized with all details, we’ll make sure to pass it around! Luuk, whose in charge with this, is away on vacation right now, but we’ll make sure to update you, once he gets back. Cheers and have an awesome day