Hi all,
I would like to know how to get an Ultimaker Certification Badge.
Best Regards
Helder L. Santos
Nov '14last reply
May '17- 43
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- 4
Hi all,
I would like to know how to get an Ultimaker Certification Badge.
Best Regards
Helder L. Santos
Hi @Creastudiostore, @Luuk will help you out with this. Good luck and happy printing!
@Creastudiostore Hi Helder,
I’ve sent you your certification order. Good luck!
@Luuk, I would be happy to obtain an Ultimaker badge as well
@Luuk - @luuk_ln, so I received / earned my certification badges (Lock Nester and Ultimaker) on my Ultimaker Original +, but I have an Ultimaker 2 and I see now that if someone wants a sample and clicks to get a list of the certified printers, only the Ultimaker Original + is listed as a choice. So… I have 2 UMs and a few more on the way soon… I need a badge for my UM2 and I need Lock Nester badges for my UM2, Lulzbot Taz 4 (Just came in yesterday and purchased a Flexytool head with it) and for my Airwolf 3DHD2X (unless this an Ultimaker only thing.) - this way choices get listed properly.
Hey @redhatmatt, I will attach the Ultimaker and Lock Nester Badges to your UM2. Unfortunately I cannot do that for your Lulzbot and Airwolf, because the eligible printers are limited to only UM and Makerbot.
Thanks Luuk! I understand, thanks again!
Makerbot?!?!?!?!? Whaaaaa? JK. But good luck with that.
Hi @Luuk, same question of Helder
@Luuk , sorry
I’ve sent you the certification order Francesco. Good luck!
thanks, printing right now
I’d like to get one of these also - are you able to send one to me as well?
One for you too!
I would be happy to obtain an Ultimaker badge as well.
Thanks for the certification.
Hi Lukas,
i’ve sent you the certification order. Good Luck!
Hi, luuk
I would be happy to obtain an Ultimaker2 badge as well.