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Sep 2016

Hi, Some of my prints have completed mostly O.K apart from the top layer. I know this is probably due to printing the PLA to fast, not having a cooling fan (yet) and also not enough top layers. However, what would people recommend to use to smooth out and fill in the small holes in the print? I am in the UK and some of the products I have read about cost a fortune to ship to the UK like XTC-3D.

I was wondering if something like bumper repair from Halfords would be O.K or would this be to thick to use on small prints etc?

I was looking for more of a paste I can put on and then sand down to fill the gaps? Has anyone got any recommendations?

Car body filler or bumper filler will work well. PLA can be solvent welded (and thus smoothed) with chloroform. Sanding and smoothing is also good.

so yeah, car body filler all over it, smooth out, dry and sand.

Thanks for the input. I think the problem I had was I didn;t have a cooling fan and when trying to fill in over the infill the plastic just gapped in places. Also the fact I only had 3 top layers at the time. However I tried to just paint it and so far it has filled in the small gaps that were there.

However it’s good to know that Bumper filler should work and is far cheaper than some other items that have been suggested to me in the past. Also I imagine it would be easier to get hold of that Chloroform.