Hi all,

I have this very cool 3d scan of myself, but i want to make some changes so it will stand better. (feet are not flat and printer is not liking me for it)

Anyone knows a tool to use? i used Tinkercad for some small projects, but it has a limit of 25mb.

Really appreciate the help!




Have you tried Autodesk 123Design? It is very similar to tinkercad but is a local computer program and I think it should be able to do this. And it’s free!

P.s. I don’t think it has a size limit but I might be wrong. Worth a download any way.

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I would definitely give meshmixer a try. It’s simple yet powerfull. I use it all the time for postprocessing my scans.

yeh use mesh mixer, you can slice flat on plane! i use it to make flat surface on scans all the time.

Printed myself on the M3D :slight_smile:

Got a bigger version printing, so that should be done soon aswell!

Meshmixer and Freecad can do the trick.

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There are the webversion and a desktop version. Web has limits yes :slight_smile:

Second @'s suggestion of Meshmixer for editing scans