Im kind of new to 3d printing.
I use 123D design for my designs. I’m facing a problem when i import an STL file in 123D design and convert the mesh to a Solid. When i do that, it says The number of facets are more and it might reduce the performance of the computer and when clicked ok the cursor keeps spinning for a while and then says couldn’t convert.
Can someone please guide me how to edit an STL.
Currently I’m trying to edit this thing(_http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:922740_)
Best Regards
there are several ways to do that.
Meshmixer is a free tool from Autodesk
Instep, limited free version to 3000 faces.
Did you actually noticed that the .stepfiles are also available to download?
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In general, STL files are generally not meant to be edited any further and it’s difficult to treat them as anything but a mesh. Try importing the STEP file instead.
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Hi Karlzhao314, StudioKubuz,
You are absolutely right. i was able to modify the step file in 123d Design.
But, in a case when i don’t have step file , how do i convert them to step file or a solid so i can edit it.
kindly give me a step by step procedure in any of the softwares you mentioned! i have not used any of it except 123d Design.
Best Regards