i created an obj file and i can view it in blender. it looks good and i want to (3d) print it. the obj file has a UV texture map (texture vertices) and calls out a .mtl file. the .mtl file has a line that says map_Kd filename, where filename is the name of my image file. (a png image) (Kd is the diffuse reflectivity factor)

question for the forum - is this the correct way to tell the mcor iris printer what colors i want on the piece? i have looked on line and so far i can’t find any documents that specify what the mcor iris wants in terms of input file format. i read that it accepts obj files, but there is no info about the types of mtl files and image files it wants. i read the standard obj file format description and i’m following what it says in that doc, but that doc says how to ref the mtl file, but not what should appear in the mtl file itself. and the obj file format doc does not cover what mcor wants. (for example, mcor might want me to use ‘usemap’ instead of ‘usemtl’)

an example of a working obj file and associated mtl and image files would be great. (where ‘working’ means mcor iris accepted it and printed it following the image file colors).




Mcor’s Slicer program accepts .stl .obj. .wrl & .dae. I highly recommend .wrl files. Ironically I don’t believe all .obj files are created equally. ( why this is the case I really don’t understand. Isn’t that the reason there are standard file formats?) Have you attempted to load the .obj file into the slicer program? You really should not have to do anything beyond making sure that all of the associated textures are located in the same place where they are referenced by the .obj file. If you wish, I would be more than happy to test loading your file into our slicer. Again, you should not have to do anything beyond simply loading the file into the Mcor’s “SliceIT” slicer program. Please let me know if I have understood your questions correctly. You can email me directly at “alexl@allaxis3dprinters.com” I’m here to help in any way possible. We are an Mcor vendor and have been for the past four years.

Kind Regards,

Alex Lorenzo


Hi John,

we print with obj plus mtl files. Yes the software takes it, but there are some problems regarding uv-maps in png files. Sometimes the colours are to dark. the better way is to get rid of the png and use a jgp instead, it has no transparencies an is sometimes better. The slicer also takes in wrl-files with voxel colours.

Best Gunther