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Nov 2015

Hi Friends,

First, let me thank you all for all your help in getting acquainted with Simplify3D and my Creator Pro. You guys have been great, and very knowledgeable.

The most recent problem I’ve run into has to do with, I believe, supports.

I have a head bust with an open mouth, including teeth and a tongue. The bust also has a chin. Each time I print, these areas get messed up (see pictures).

Now, I’m guessing it’s because I turned off the support generation in Simplify3D. The reason I did that was because I printed a model originally WITH supports, and they became lodged in the mouth, and I was unable to remove them. But, I think this new problem is being caused by a lack of sufficient support for the filament to bond to.

I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Is there a way to make the supports smaller in size, so they’re easier to remove from the mouth, for example? I know how to individually add and remove them from the model, so maybe you can suggest a pattern that would be easier to remove (staggering them, or something). Or, maybe there’s a way to make them the right combination of sturdy and brittle so that they do their job and hold up the model, but are easy to remove when I need to. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Thanks again for all your help. I hope, one day, I’m able to pay this knowledge forward.


  • created

    Nov '15
  • last reply

    Nov '15
  • 4


  • 1.8k


  • 3


hi, you can choose in simplify the size of the support, you might try to use 15 - 20 % support with solid layers 1 or 2 , then increase the separation layer to 2 or 3 (dependeing on your layer height) this might help


Let’s see your support settings and your bridge settings

I would recomend higher support infill % (> 20%) in the same tab add 1 or 2 dense layer with 80% dense infill … regards…