Most of the people that I’m getting contacted by via the 3d hubs are generally looking for either design consultancy or scan services and seem to think that every 3d printer can do the same as a full colour Zcorp 650!! I’ve found that most aren’t really at a point where you can actually print anything for them. Does that reflect in what you’re seeing too?
I presume that some of you do design work so how do you feel if we start pointing people to one another? I’ve got a 3d scanner (a David SLS-1) that I’m happy to offer to anyone that wants something scanned, a vacuum former, strip heater, and a couple of CNC machines (Roland MDX40 and MDX15) - hopefully in the next month or so a laser cutter coming too.
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We are able to do design work. We are used to getting things made in low volumes using more traditional methods.