I am trying to figure out if a 3D printer is in my budget. I am looking at the Drumel printer from Canadian Tire 2, but I noticed the filament costs $50 (also from Canadian Tire). How many “things” can you make with 1 roll of filament? How long does 1 roll last? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Filament usually comes in packages of 750 grams to 1 Kg. How many object you can print is simply a matter of your average amount of material needed for each print.
Obviously, large print need more material. Strong prints with a higher infill will also need more material.
I have done prints that took more than 1 Kg of material to make. I have also done prints that use only about 1-2 grams. So the answer to your question is not straightforward and could be anything between one and one thousand.
That said, if you would take 25-50 grams of material as average, one 1 Kg roll would last 20 to 40 prints.
I am not sure if the Dremel printer can only use propriety filament. I would suggest you buy a printer than can handle filament from any manufacturer provided it is the right size. Many will sell for much less than 50$ per roll which will significantly lower your price per print.
Don’t buy the dremel, it is extremely expensive for what it is (a PLA only printer with unheated build plate). Filaments can be had for $30 CAD or less for a 1 kilo spool.