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Apr 2015

On Tuesday 3D Hubs and Thingiverse announced a partnership, which enables people all over the world the ability to ‘print anything anywhere’. Seriously, it’s pretty amazing, but if as you reach the end of your coffee you’re still wondering ‘How does this news change my day?’, read on.

For a start we’re talking 3D printing and the gist of this partnership means that I can sit at my desk in my New York office, select a design on Thingiverse, and have it printed and delivered as a gift to my mom-in-law South Africa within 48hours.

On Tuesday I set out to see what damage I could do from 7,8003 miles away. This is where I got

Let’s do this!

1: I’ve chosen a cool napkin design from the lovely Sebastian and Arianna of Simplus Design. Napkin Ring.

2: It’s time to ‘Get This Printed’

Screenshot 2015-04-21 10.51.33.png

3: I’m now through to 3dhubs.com and browsing local Stellenbosch Hubs.

4: I’ve selected Form Tech’s Hub in Montague Gardens as they seem to have PLA in a range of great colors. White looks pretty nifty and is relatively inoffensive, so white it is.

5: The total is $20.42, which includes a $2 tip that will go straight to the designers in recognition of their work - thanks guys!

6: And just like that I’ve submitted an order. I’ll probably hear from Form Tech in the next few hours and by Thursday AM my mom-in-law will have a new napkin Ring designed by some great Brooklyn Designers, in her Jonkershoek (you can find that on the Google) home.

I reckon $20.42 is less than the postage alone. The napkin won’t get stuck in customs, and it’s not going to get stolen in the post - a reality if you live in SA.

So how is the ability to print anything, anywhere going to change your Tuesday AM? It probably won’t. But I’m hoping it’s going to win me daughter-in-law points on Thursday when my mom-in-law receives the napkin rings I sent to Africa as an stl and which Form Tech transformed into a physical product.

That was Tuesday. The napkin ring is no longer an .stl, but a complete physical product waiting for collection. Updates and photos to follow once collected and in the hands of the new owner.

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    Apr '15
  • last reply

    May '15
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Wow, great work 3D Hubs! Sending physical objects just became almost as easy as sending an email. This is amazing!

HI. I am a big fan of thingiverse and oftern download files and print them at my library. I used 3d hubs for the first time last week. I was really disappointed. There are fees tacked on after the quote that are substantial. When I finally got my prints, the quality was terrible. Communicating with my contact at 3D was delayed because she was in Amsterdam, so each answer took about 18-24 hours to get to me. Maybe I just had a bad initial experience, but I am not a fan. I have asked for a refund, and her response was to send pictures to the printer. So now I have more work to do!

Hi @debskie, I’m so sorry to hear that you had a bad experience! We really do want you to have a great experience. @Alex3DHubs please could you see whether you can help out on this one?

Hey debskie! I’m really sorry to hear that you received poor quality prints. Of course we’ll refund you completely for the order and please contact me directly via support+robin@3dhubs.com so I can help you find another Hub that can provide you with a higher quality prints.

Best regards,

Robin - 3D Hubs

I think this is great and I think it brings the local mfg networks of 3DHubs into Shapeways territory when it comes to public accessibility to 3D printing.

This may be the opening salvo in the 3D Printing Service War of the Buttons!

Funny, ever since I used the 3D Hubs the first time I wondered why you guys would not team up with Thingiverse. I guess better late than never. In any case I think it is great that you guys did.So my experience with 3D Hubs thus far has been awesome. It just makes the process of printing a lot easier. Great Job guys!