I’m wanting to use brims and skirts in a vain attempt to get ABS to stick, I have been using Makerbot for Desktop (latest version) that does not support brims or skirts. As much as I’d like Simplify 3D I cannot justify the cost of the software. I’ve downloaded Slic3r but I am struggling to set it up for my printer - CTC/Bizer Dual Printer (makerbot/replicator clone). Can anyone help as I’m new to the software and have no clue. Thanks in advance
I use slic3r exclusively. It’s not for everyone as it is the least user friendly but offers the most control. All the settings can be a little intimidating but if you want the most options it’s worth it.
Start by following the instructions in the online manual:
(http://manual.slic3r.org/ 210).
I can help and offer tips with specific problems but asking “how do I set up my printer” is a little too broad for anyone to help.
It was more that slic3r doesn’t do the recognising your printer thing that replicator and makerbot do, I’m not entirely convinced inputting the bed size and what I believe is the extruder offset would be enough for it to function correctly without doing the whole “I want to take your print head through this wall over here or your print bed down through the floor”, I had that happen with cura engine and I guess you could say it has made me think twice and want to be sure I am doing all required before trying. I love my printer, I don’t want to break it because of some slicer.