August 20, 2015, 10:19am
Hi fellow Makers,
Does someone know how Kwamb.io is making their models?
I mean parametric-adjustable-organic-and online.
I would like to digg deeper in this.
Best Dennis
Pretty nice place for designs.Never know about it!
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a360 fusion …google it on you tube
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Hi Dennis,
Take a look at Rhino and Grashopper… The vases with the holes are probably created using voronoi patterns!
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August 20, 2015, 2:31pm
Hi Merijn,
I checked grasshopper before. Awesome piece of software.
The cool thing is you can make really nice abstract models. But the downside is, it runs on rhino, instead on a web page.
Kwamb.io does a great thing at this. Allowing users to modify their models and export them for printing.
The only thing I notice, they use some deformations on the complete model.
This is quite easy to do. I would be great if we can create some models that are completely parametric so users can optimise for there own use.
i.e. A can holder for a bike that allows you to customize the can dimensions or the diameter of the tube that holds the holder.
I did some test this afternoon with clara.io
But its still not what i looking for. I think that it need to be coded in webgl
Thanks for your reply, If you come across some other cool stuff, please share it with me.
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August 20, 2015, 2:39pm
Hi MetaCAD,
Thanks for your post.
Its not actualy what I am looking for. Yet.
Last winter I was joning the Autodesk Hackaton on A360 API - they allow to embed and explode the models, but not to modify them
Hope this feature will be added soon.
Something from the autodesk family that comes close is Configurator 360
The downside here is the price and the fact it runs on the autodesk servers.
Thanks for the feedback!
I took a look at kwamb.io . Kwambio is using the three.js javascript library. (Which probably uses webgl). However this has its limitations. For example the wind sculpted vase is parameterizable. The more complex designs are not, like the voronoi designs. Which is a bit disappointing. Although kwamb.io did a great job to come this far. Interesting is how they succeeded in transforming the parameterized design into an .stl. I still not fully understand how they did that.
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