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Mar 2015

Cool idea, and they look nice on the hub pages. But how do I get them added? What challenges must I master, oh 3d Hubs sensei?


  • created

    Mar '15
  • last reply

    Apr '16
  • 22


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Great! I worked with Luuk last year on the Canal House blocks project. Looking forward to hearing from him!


I’ve tried to figure this out too, from phone cases badge to UM “official test print” badge, but couldn’t find out how you get to add these to your hub.

Any chance to get some info too ?



Yes, I would have the same question too.
I asked before and got answer there are some new projects in the line for badges, but didn’t got answer on how to obtain these that exist right now.

So some info would be nice for me too…!? Thank you!

I read on another topic that there was the project to add all the projects the hub could participate to in order to have some badges, i don’t know if this will be implemented soon or not

17 days later
4 months later

Same thing here. Any chance to get some explanations on the badge system ? Is it still going on ?

Thanks !


9 days later

me also waiting for info… i have many times suggested a place that has a list of badges and how to get them…

must be pipe dreams

@ ??

16 days later

me also waiting for a list of badges so i can pick which ones i want to qualify for

It’s been a bit more than two weeks now… Is there a way for us to get that info ?

Please keep us posted,

Thanks !

Hi @Boelle, i’m afraid there are no projects/badges you can apply for a.t.m. Once we have a new partnership we’ll announce it so you can apply.


Hey @skriz87, i’ve sent you the certification order for the Ultimaker sample program. Once you’ve printed the file you will get the badge.


Yep, just saw it, thanks for sending it, I’ll get back to you as soon as it’s printed !



11 days later

@ @hannahbi @xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cant we just get a complete list of badges somewhere and a link if we want that badge? would be much more simple than people have to beg for it