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Mar 2017

I need to print a piece for a model aircraft. I have made it on AutoCad 2016, and I have bought Carbon Fiber 3d Filament to print it with. How do I adjust the printing temperature to between 330 and 350 degrees celcius. Also how do i know if my machine has an all metal extruder?

  • created

    Mar '17
  • last reply

    Mar '17
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A standard dreamer does not come with an all metal hotend. you can upgrade to one but you would still be capped to probably 280 or so degrees C.

You would have to do some serious mods to get it to go that high.

Can you supply the link to your proposed carbon fiber filament?

There are a few CF filaments on the market that don’t need to be printed all that high.

You would still be wise to upgrade to an all metal hotend though.


As ClickNPrint3D said, the dreamer does not have an all metal hot end without upgrades. Due to the way it is designed and the fact it utilises a teflon tube to guide filament into the nozzle I wouldn’t heat it past 250C for extended periods of time as it can damage the teflon and cause blockages (I had to replace mine after heating to 260).

Polymakr PC-Max appears to give some good results for high strength applications, but keep in mind it its best printed at 250-280C so a all metal hot end upgrade to the dreamer would probably be preferable.

To my knowledge the extruder of the Flashforge Dreamer can be set to 255 degrees celcius maximum.

You can set it in the Flashforge software wich is supplied with the printer.

All stock machines as far as I know do not come with “all metal extruder”. That is an upgrade. I do recommend to replace your stock nozzles with the new “wear resistant nozzles”. The nozzles are made of stainless steel, threaded externally M7x1 to be compatible with latest MK10 extruder which is compatible with your printer. They will old up better with use Carbon Fiber Filament. As far as temperature goes 330 degrees celcius is equal to 626 degress F. Ther is no printer on the market that I know of taht can even come close to that temp or is it necessary. The printing temp for Carbon Fiber is 240 to 260 degrees celcius. Every printer is different and you’ll have to experiment with what works best for your printer. Print temps are set in your “Slicer” software. (eg Flashprint, Cura, MakerWare, etc). You sound pretty new to 3D printing. I would suggest trying to print with PLA and ABS before moving on to Carbon Fber to get familiar with your machine and it’s settings. Thanks Bob.

Thanks for the reply.
I am relatively new to 3D printing (1 year). I am doing my PhD in Aerospace Engineering, and have printed with PLA and ABS. I figured out how to change the temperature yesterday. So far I haven’t really needed to because the machine came with presets for PLA. So that’s why I didn’t know. But again, thanks for the answer.