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Oct 2018

I’m about to get started in 3d printing by purchasing a creality cr-10 mini. I have a question about bed adhesion and what should I do? It comes with a glass bed so would the prints stick directly onto that or do I need to put some sort of glue or gluestick on it? If I use glue stick can the bed still be heated? Preferably i would like to use some kind of build tack material, is there any available for the cr-10 mini? I don’t know :lab_coat:
Thanks for your help

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    Oct '18
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    Oct '18
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Not sure about a glass bed, but I put blue painters tape on my aluminum bed, lightly spray some unscented Aquanet hairspray or use the purple Elmer’s glue stick and I never have stuff pop off, even without any kind of heat on the bed.

Hi @hexbugspider PLA will probably need some “help” to stick to a glass bed, but it’s one of the more forgiving materials in terms of bed adhesion so you probably won’t need much.

There’s a product called “3D Lac” that’s popular with 3D printers - I use it all the time - and that alone should be enough for most PLA models. Models can behave differently depending on their shape (on the bed) and how much plastic is laid down (on the bed) in the first layer. If you find a particular print isn’t working, you may need to go to the Elmer’s glue or even blue tape as @Jory suggested, but make sure you get the right one - they’re not all the same! You should get the Scotch Blue tape shown here:

Amazon.co.uk 2

I usually get the 50mm wide version but the wider ones will reduce the risk of lines on the base.

I started out using hair spray (3D Lac and only available in Europe I believe) on glass but eventually went to the purple glue stick and found it much easier to use. You’ll need to fiddle with it to get the hang of it but once you do it is pretty good, especially for PLA.
Now, another option is to go to a PEI sheet on the glass. Takes a bit to get used to but once you do you’ll never go back to anything else.

Also consider The buildtak flex system. Don’t know if they have it for the printer you are doing but it is a decent system.

Is there a pei sheet in the size 220x220x250? As I’m getting the creality ender 3.

Yes. I use them direct on the aluminum on my smaller printers (150X150mm) since the plate is flat.
On a larger surface area you may want to use the PEI on glass or something on top of the aluminum to ensure a flat surface unless you are happy with how flat the aluminum is.