I just got my first 3D printer, a Monoprice 13860 Maker Select v2. I did all of the setup steps but my print quality is horrible. See attached image.

I’ve tried adjusting print quality in Cura to “high” but the printer still leaves big gaps and the print base does not seem to stick well to the heated print plate. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong. Anybody have any suggestions for me?

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  1. Hey Aaron_Willis,

It appears your printer isn’t extruding enough plastic which gives these gaps in the prints. This could be caused by a couple of things.

  1. Your feed rate is too slow. This is when the motors don’t turn fast enough in order to extrude the correct amount of filament. By increasing the feed rate or slowing down the prints, the quality should improve. If you’ve tried changing setting for quality then it has probably already slowed the prints down so this may not be the main cause.
  2. Your filament diameters isn’t correct for you printer. If your printer operates on 3mm filament and your using 0.75mm filament the the extrude will not be able to push it as it will just slip along the gears. I’d advise you check this out.
  3. Dinally uou may have a partially clogged nozzle. Try cleaning it out thourough and see if the print quality is any better.

If this doesn’t help then I’d advise that you get in contact with the manufacturer. They will probably have a better idea of the fault for your specific machine. Depending on the manufacturer you may have to be patient. I know that some people have waited about a week for them to respond.

Hope this helps.

Hi Aaron… here is a grate guide to keep handy…

Print Quality Guide | Simplify3D Software

hope it helps! :slight_smile:

things to check… temperature, are the gears tight… is the extruder motor gear tight(the one that drives the filament through the hot end) … is there enough pressure on the extruder feed wheel to get a good bite on the filament or is it slipping? also if it is having trouble pulling the filament off the spool it can do the same thing…and what gift3d said :slight_smile: hope it helps!

Also check your slicer. If you’re using 1.75mm filament, but have your slicer set for 3mm filament, then it will cause this issue.

I got a similar issue, tried several changes, used blue tape, tried to clean the bed, but still horrible. I tried to print the butterfly, that come in SD card from Monoprice.

I made some videos and you can see what´s happens:

Before use blue tape


After use blue tape

Someone got this issue or can help me?
