Okay, so I just got my Anet A8 yesterday and spent all night putting it together.
When I turned it on and set it to home, the Z axis homes correctly, but the X and Y axis don’t (or at least I don’t think so).
When I home X, the motor goes brings the plate all the way to the back, but keeps on turning even after hitting the end stop for a good 10 seconds, then stops, moves it forward, then back hitting the end stop then stopping. It’s the same with the Y axis but with the carriage.
Is this normal as when I’ve seen videos of it homing, it goes to the end, hits the end stop then just stops
Man, u changed the X/Y cables. put them in correct connectors.
Hi Yolosnail,
That’s definitely not normal. Please check the wiring of the endstops again. The movement should stop immediately after hitting the endstop.
You can also try to connect to your printer using Pronterface (a great App).
Connect to your printer, go to the printer console and use the command “M119” to get the endstop status. Now manually press one of the endstops while entering the command again. You should now see “triggered” in the command output for the endstop you press. If not, it is either wired wrong or defect.