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Feb 2015

I manually shake the alcohol container that came with the Form1+ for about 30 seconds with the part inside, run hot water over the part for 10 seconds then shake the part in the clean alcohol solution for 30 seconds then run hot water over it again for 10 seconds and get good results. About 2 minutes start to finish.

No parts have broken from doing this and its very fast. Sometimes I will soak the part in the clean alcohol for longer if I’m not in a hurry. During the hot water step I rinse the part over a large bowl so the sticky residue that washes off doesn’t stick to my sink. On the second rinse I just swish the part in the water that was in the bowl from the first rinse.

I’m pretty sure a low velocity agitation would work very well with much less noise than a sander. Just an eccentric motion does the trick. I’ve tried it manually with good results but haven’t automated it yet. Shaking the entire container in my hands works a little bit faster than the eccentric motion.

I tried using a couple of pumps to spray alcohol onto the parts while still on the build platform (upside down) but I couldn’t find a pump with enough flow rate and pressure at a reasonable price. It would probably require 4 gpm and at least 10-20 psi to get a good spray. Shaking the alcohol container turned out to be easy and fast enough I didn’t go any further with the automated version.