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Nov 2015

Hi Everyone,

My name is matt, and I’m new to the forum as of last week. I just downloaded Simplify3D, an am having an issued with the quality of my prints.

I’m running into a problem where there are “holes” in my prints. I’ve attached several photos to show you what I mean. The holes appear in the same spots (I’ve printed out the same model about three times), and I’m not sure why.

When I checked the temperature readings on the print preview, I noticed that these spots were marked as noticeably cooler than the bulk of the model (see attached photos). I also noticed, as you’ll see, that the layer of hair appears to be a shell around the base of the head, as opposed to a connected piece of the model.

I did the “heal / merge all outlines into a single model” before printing - I thought that might have been a fix - but the results were the same.

I didn’t design these models myself - I outsourced them - so if there’s an issue with the STL file, I’d love to know how to explain that to my modeler.

I should add that I have printed several solid models before - the test prints that came on the SD card, and a test cube, for example - with no problems whatsoever.

In any case, I’m just looking for some advice. Anything really - temp. settings, infill %, layer height, whatever might be the problem.

If anyone can offer anything, I’d appreciate it.

Thank you all very much!


I have just download the update but the old one for me shows the speed not the temp

the model has a lot of curves in that area and the slicer is getting confused

have you try making a simpler model in the softwer not what’s comes with the sd card

Hi matt,

This is 3D PrintWiz. Looks like your stl files have error in them. the hair on your model should be connected to the skull and it seems it is floating. Try to download Netfab Basic, and do a repair using the free software then after repair export it once again as an stl file, import it to simplify3d. There are a lot of tutorial in youtube on how to use Netfab. Hope this helps.

Should be the problem from the model. I always use the Meshmixer to check the file first. If there is red highlights, that probably indicates that the file has some parts not be able to be printed.

Is the hair being separate from the skull intentional in your design. Because , it shouldn’t be, coz your having to print to thin a wall which may explain the holes. Though if it is indeed intentional, try increasing wall thickness, the default is 2, try it with 3 and scale it down for the test, to conserve material and time. I would still suggest netfab basic for fixing stl file, it’s just much more reliable in my experience.

Hey Guys,

I think I fixed the issue - I repaired the file in MEshMixer, and upped the wall thickness. That seemed to eliminate the problem areas I referenced in the photos (the head, and the eyes). So, thank you all for your help with that.

I did run into another problem, though, which I’d love to get your input on. I’m going to start a new thread…