Dear all,

As you might have seen on, I will soon start to sell an open-hardware transparent polygon scanner via Kickstarter.
At the moment,

- I am looking for feedback on the preview page

Would you consider buying it; why or why not!? Are you willing to pay extra for open-hardware!?

- I am also interested in meeting people who want to help me co-found the company.

Details of the application can be found via It can be that the website is down, but I will try to fix this.

Ideally, you have a master’s degree in electrical engineering, computer science
or an extensive track record in this field.

You need to be good in Python and have experience with open-source software. Applications can be sent to Do not call me as I am too busy. I will sent you a confirmation if I have received your resume and application letter.

Thank you for your help!
