I have a model which I have designed and need advice on its suitability for printing, I am new to doing these designs and any advice would be fantastic.
the .stl file is below but I can upload the original design I did in sketch up before converting it to the .stl file
Motor Frame.stl (198 KB)
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That would be no problem for printing,
but I would make the STL a higher res version, it’s a bit blocky now
it also would need some support, for a FDM printer, and to keep the support to a minimum, it might be better to print upright.
could you recommend what the best way for me to add support would be
this is a change version which has a thicker base and is now upright how can this be changed to include supports to allow printing and this seem to be the only quality I can export my .stl file in, it might be the quality of my original design but I don’t mind if its blocky as long as it does the job of holding the motor its designed for
Motor Frame.2.stl (209 KB)
Here’s a cool way to present your model : Motor Frame 2 - 3D model by arnoldas [3d61120] - Sketchfab This seems like a very printable model. A little structure needed , but that’s it
@Linda_Zouad @Daan_3D do you have any tips for the printability of this file?
That’s fantastic I know that number one needs support but what would be best? Also I’m confused why number 2 is a mess like it is there as on my original design everything seems flat and neat
cheers Matt
Oh really? It could be in Sketchfab only then. How are you planning to print it? Are you going to print yourself or you’ll give it up for a Hub
Hi most hubs will use the standard support on their slicer for this but just in case I will add some supports onto the the model as well. The models have also all been repaired.
Hopefully this helps. I can also print at my hub: https://www.3dhubs.com/coventry/hubs/3d-4-u
(I’m down near Birmingham).
Motor Frame with Supports.stl (12 MB)