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Jul 2016

I’m trying to print this design but I’m having an issue with a cylinder like figure…when I tried to print it, using my Lulzbot TAZ 6 Cura software, my printer filled the cylinder creating the 10% mesh as considering the empty space part of a surface.

Does anybody know what the problem could be by looking at the STL file attached?
adattore_pingu_ciappette_2.2.stl (1.36 MB)

  • created

    Jul '16
  • last reply

    Aug '16
  • 7


  • 1.3k


  • 6


Ah. Thats the problem. Sketchup isnt the best for making printable models.

I havent used it, but if you search around i think there are some guides on how to get a workable stl out of it.

The object has non-manifold geometry which is likely to cause issues. I advise to stay away from Sketchfab as far as possible. It creates the most horrific of meshes. It’s probably full of ngons and oddities. Meshmixer and Maya will crash when I try to repair the object. Best bet is to use either Fusion 360 and/or Maya or any other software.


I loaded your STL into my Sketchup Pro.

Solid Inspector indicated that it has holes and nested geometry.

If your design is not Solid with volume, the stl converter will not work properly.

If you are able to attach your .skp file, maybe I or one of the people that regularly use sketchup

can help you out.

I’ve been able to have three different 3D Hubs printers print over 50 models I’ve created in Sketchup.

There are never problems.

I always reload the created stl back into the original Sketchup model to check that it is solid, which it usually is.

And dimensions always match what I had in my original Sketchup model.

Just trying to help you out.

14 days later

I checked the model it has non-manifold and boundary edges issues. I managed to run it through MakePrintable and was able to fix it. I increased the size to be able to fix it well, just make sure to re-size it back to the original size and you should be able to print it.
adattore_pingu_ciappette_2.2.obj (7.08 MB)