I’m trying to print this design but I’m having an issue with a cylinder like figure…when I tried to print it, using my Lulzbot TAZ 6 Cura software, my printer filled the cylinder creating the 10% mesh as considering the empty space part of a surface.
The object has non-manifold geometry which is likely to cause issues. I advise to stay away from Sketchfab as far as possible. It creates the most horrific of meshes. It’s probably full of ngons and oddities. Meshmixer and Maya will crash when I try to repair the object. Best bet is to use either Fusion 360 and/or Maya or any other software.
I checked the model it has non-manifold and boundary edges issues. I managed to run it through MakePrintable and was able to fix it. I increased the size to be able to fix it well, just make sure to re-size it back to the original size and you should be able to print it. adattore_pingu_ciappette_2.2.obj (7.08 MB)