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Sep 2016

Hi, I have this replicator for a while, and for a time everything work fine. But i fried the motherboard and buy a geeetech rev G, is almost a clone of the rev E original, It come whit a DVR8825 steppermotor drivers.

It’s been dificult set up the machine, but i could manage to reinstall, reconect the whires and flash the firmware (7.5).

The printer can turn on, my computer can detect the port, move the axis whit replicatorG. The bed and the extrusor heat up fine. The sensors work.

All the component respond, BUT when i start a printing (both ways: sd card and usb port) the printer crashed and turn off, same for the power supply. Its one extruder only.

I check this power supply and work properly, 24v 9,2A (is the original).

I don’t know what to do. Please help me!

I apologize for my grammar, is not my native language.
