Hello, I am in the market of getting my first 3d printer. I would only be using ABS, and cant seem to get a straight answer on which printer would be best for me. Im looking to spend $1000-$1,200 on it. I was leaning towards a Craftbot plus or a Flashforge. Can someone please tell me which printer would be best for ABS in my price range. Ive never owned a 3d printer and really need advice. Thanks for your time.
Hi @Thatzgacho1 if you’re committed to using ABS only (and can I ask why?) then one major consideration is an enclosed print bed. ABS is very prone to warping and usually needs an enclosed print bed to avoid draughts and maintain a steady temperature. So, personally I’d probably avoid any “open bed” printers. The Flashforge range is decent, and getting better with each iteration. You could also look at the Qidi range.
However, I think we should hammer out your need for ABS first, because if you don’t really need to print in ABS, then the world of options becomes a lot bigger.
Hello @cobnut Jack , thank you for responding. Im going with abs because I need something that can take heat without melting easily. Is there anything else that has abs qualities towards heat? Thanks again
@Garyg Sweet! I will definitely check out nGen. I ended up ordering a Qidi for my first printer. I seen quite a few success videos using abs. It seems like a good printer to learn on. Im sure I will end up getting more printers in the future, and broaden my choices. I hope I picked the right one, lol.