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Dec 2017

I did find a video or tutorial on how to set the bed up but I don’t seem to be able to find it, so I will try and explain it to you from memory.

The printer has no knowledge of where its extruder is until it is set up and that is controlled by the limit switches, to set up the extruder and bed, first screw the bed leveling screws well down, then with the steppers disabled, by turning the Z axis threaded rods by hand until the extruder is about 60mm above the bed. then make sure the Z axis is level by measuring from the top of the stepper motors to the top of the carriage supports making sure that both are exactly the same measurement.

Next adjust the Z axis limit switch ( the one just above the left stepper motor) up as high as it will go, then activate the “Home All” function, and the Z axis will stop when it reaches the limit switch.

Now measure the distance from the extruder nozzle to the print bed, then adjust the limit switch down by about 5 mm less than that distance, activate the “Home All” function again and the nozzle should now be several mm above the bed.

Disable the steppers again and now adjust the clearance between the nozzle and the bed by unscrewing the bed leveling screws, and carry out the bed leveling process.

If you find the nozzle is too far above the bed to level it without letting all the tension off the springs, just lower the limit switch by the needed amount.

That is about the best I can explain it from memory, I hope it will get you out of trouble.