Hello everyone,
Basically, I’m a beginner and don’t know a huge amount about 3d printing. I plan on buying a 3Dprinter online, but I’m not sure which model to get, so I was hoping the people of this forum could help!
I need a printer below $600 US, and would prefer PLA as I’ve heard it prints better (and doesn’t produce smoke) like the ABS.
Also, i would prefer print quality over the actual printers aesthetics. I also don’t mind doing some DIY building as long as it isn’t too frustrating.
Thanks for any help!
Hi Nicolas,
You should check out the Best 3D printer guide for some ideas. I’ll be honest though, it might not be as helpful as intended since the most affordable assembled printer on it is $600. (The most affordable printer on it as a whole is the P3Steel kit, which is a printer I can wholeheartedly stand behind, but it’s a completely DIY kit and you’ll need quite a lot of patience to get one working.)
I’ll throw another option: the Printrbot Play. It’s a rather small printer, but it has phenomenal build quality (Thomas Sanladerer actually stood on one while it was printing), which also translates to excellent print quality. It’s pretty easy to use and actually looks pretty darn good. And it’s just $400.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a heated bed, so you’re limited to PLA unless you also buy the heated bed upgrade. Also, once again, it’s a small printer, so you’re really quite limited in size.
Hope this helped!
-Karl Zhao
Hello Nicolas, Running the risk that several of 3D printing enthousiasts may not agree with me . . . I was looking for an inexpensive, easy and quick launch into 3D printing. Therefor I bought a XYZ Da Vinci Junior printer for me and my kids. This 399,- euro printer is also reffered to as ‘easy bake oven’. It’s a plug and play printer. We got it running it’s first print just 10 minutes after unpacking. Users are however (still) limited to Junior specific proprietary PLA sold by XYZ. This is saddly locked by a RFID chip. Some people are however trying to find a way to bypass this in future. Next to this ‘playing’ with the settings is also limited because most settings are preset by XYZ. These settings do however work out fine with the supplied standard filament. Overall operation and printing quality turned out much better than expected for the pricing level. I have no commercial relation with XYZ, I’m just very satisfied with the easy use of this printer! Kind regards, Makerdaan
I would suggest something like this: http://www.pronk3d.nl/3d-printers/a-box-3d-printer
Its within you’re budget and meets your requirements.
Good luck!