I almost finished calibrating the printer as well but when I try to print something through repeater host and through the normal procedure the printer starts moving up and down then stops and the program says it getting heated up (the extruder hotend) and after its done heating up and gets to about 200 degrees it goes up fast and when it went up to the most top position it starts shaking really bad and does nothing else so I have to stop it before the screws of the printer starting falling off. anyone have any idea what should I do? I uploaded the firmware through Arduino and all set up. did exactly as the instructions said but still this problem it just shakes so bad and nothing happen so I emergency stop it.
- Check twice if the motors are connected in the right spots in the motherboard
- Check if the motors are connected at all
- Check if the current of the motors isn’t to small
- Check if the bouldrate is right
- Try printing via SD Card
- Try other slicing software, repetier host is pretty bad in my opinion, may be causing some trouble.
I tried what you said and surprisingly the printer works with sd card and I tried now from another computer (windows) in relation to Mac and it works through usb as well. what in the world. but now I have another problem the filament doesn’t leave the hotted head its maybe getting accumulated there a bit by bit but it doesn’t go out freely as its supposed to the printer moves as it seems to be printing but nothing comes out. thanks a lot for you guys for trying to help and you did I think. waiting for response.