Hello to you !
First of all, this is my first post here and I’m perhaps making a mistake posting it, I search a bit but am not certain this is the purpose of the site, I hope it’s not inconvenient ! :-X Sorry if it is, just tell me and I’ll delete the thread.
So, I sometimes, not always, get some weird defects in my prints.
I use a i3, with a 0.4 Witbox Extruder and Nozzle mounted on a P3Steel (200x300x220) and slice with CURA.
For this print, I used
- 0.20mm layer
- 10mm/s for outer shell (2mm thick)
- 40mm/s for inner shell
- 60mm/s for infill, with infill at 100%
- 130mm/s travel
This look like under extrusion to me, but sometimes, it looks like OVER extrusion, so I’m a bit confused. The filament is from BQ and I believe it is not bad quality and I cleaned my nozzle bore just before printing.
Here it looks like the exterior perimeter is larger where there are feature of the path of the filament,… is this a CURA problem ? :-X
Another angle for those “wider” layers when there is a feature in it,…
Also, I thought that wavy pattern was a result of printing too fast ? I printed the outershell at 10mm/s but still does that :-/
Thank you for you attention !
At which temperature are you printing? I had similar effects when printing too hot, and get good results now at 200°C with bq filament. Additionally one of my threaded rods for the i3’s Z axis was bent, which could be observed by crazy wobbling in circles at the top while the Z axis moved. I just replaced it with a new, straight rod.
I print at 220ºc indeed, once this print is finished, I’ll try at 200ºc as you said.
My BQ 5mm rods were also bent !
I now use 8mm stainless steal rods, they are far more picky in terms of correct bolt alignment when fusing it to the X-carriers, but at least they are perfectly straight.
Thank you very much for you answer !
I think you might have the speed/temperature combo wrong. Especially if you’re printing the outer shell in 10 mm/s and the temperature so high. I’d say you don’t have to go that low in speed and that high in temperature. Can’t give you the exact numbers , because I don’t know this machine but 200 sounds a very fair attempt.
I got hurt once by playing around with the shell thickness and am now very conservative when changing that. If nothing else works try setting that to the default.
P.S. These questions are perfect for here don’t hesitate to ask anything you’re interested in