Hi everyone,
i am trying to use HDglass- clear on my CUBICON-single . but unable to print with it. I have tried various temperature for nozzle/ printbed/ chamber and print speed . But it mostly fails to either bond with the bed, leads to lot of stringing and even it it bonds to the bed- by the time it reaches the second layer of print it starts to warp .
Could anyone suggest something ? as i do see that some of you have been able to print succesfully with it ?
try laying down with a thicker base layer, 0.2 to 0.3 as i assume your using 0.1? short of that use a bit of hair spray and lower your bed temp 5 degrees
Hi Jon,
Thanks for your suggestion.
i have tried 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 it did not work .
however, since the time i have posted, i have been making more attempts. i finally managed to print with HDGlass ‘only’ when i ‘spiralize’ the setting ( @ extruder - 220, bed- 80, chanber - 60) . however , i have tried many many variations to get it to print any geometry such cube, cuboid, intersection of cube and cyclinder etc ; but none of it gets to more than the first three layers. either the print gets stuck to the nozzle and starts dancing along ; or there is a lot of stringing , or the strands of extrusion start to flake out from the bed etc etc …
any more recco ?
much appreciated