I printed a part for a customer, and every time i printed it the larger flat area prints like crap. I can not get a good even layer. I am working on getting pictures up loaded, but in the meantime, picture a Cube, and when the printer fills in the top, no matter how many layers i have it set to print there will always be holes in it. Is it possible the bed is warped? I have leveled the bed in all 4 corners, and even did it between the prints for the customer.
September 21, 2015, 8:50pm
Try increasing the cooling, increase infill, increase amount of top layers, lower printing temperature (very carefully). What infill pattern are you using? Rectangular or honeycomb are the best to support the top layers. Cheers, Marius Breuer
The Cube printers are usually are high up my “do not buy” list of printers but if you can get slic3r or cura to work on it, you can better tweak your print settings. Sorry I can’t provide much help with that specific printer but I do recommend looking into the Bukito, Lulzbot, or Ultimaker amongst others.
If you can do this adjustment, add more top layers. It’ll be a bandage for the situation but may help a bit.
The printer i am using is a Prusa i3, sorry i should have mentioned this in my original post. i think i have found the problem, i took a straight edge and started checking to see if the bed was warped, because the issue always fell around the same area of the print, well it indeed was. There was a high spot in that area which caused each layer to “thin” out. I ended up putting a piece of glass on the bed to level it. On a side note i would still like to get the top layer looking a little better, maybe it is just me, but i dont like the way they are turning out. I have changed infill amounts, top layer amounts, tried line, rectilinear, concentric, just about everything i can think of. Here is a picture of a different print, but you can kind of see how there are gaps in the top layer, no matter what fill % i set it at the lines are never close enough to create a solid layer.
For large flat bottoms, the problem usually is that the first layer does not stick to the printbed properly and/or gets warped during the print.
That is one of the most frustrating parts of 3D printing! I feel your pain- we’ve had that happen to us. When it comes to printing larger parts, the chance for warping or uneven layers increases when more of the print’s surface touches the print plate. If you can orient the product so that it can be printed with as little surface area touching the build plate as possible that will help immensely.
This also depends on the type of printer you’re using. I saw a “/Cubify” and a /3DSystems" on your original post, so I’m guessing you’re using one of their products. They just aren’t the best for creating reliable prints.
add some helper disks for all four corners of your print in action. have you also used a cubestick with your prints? if not, you should try. may be you could attach or send us your failure prints photos?
Ok so another question, is it possible to print a single wall object, like a vase, with a 100% infill base? I am using slic3r and pronterface
yeah, for an object like a vase you should use infill 0% and num loops 1
Here are pictures of the layers i am talking about, i do not like how messy they are, and shouldnt the bottom and top layers be more “solid”? The overall resolution on the sides is good, it is just the tops and bottoms that i can not figure out.