Hey Guys, I’m wondering if anyone out there has any experience with the Hatchbox Alpha and can compare it to the Rostock or any other printers, Delta or otherwise. Haven’t been able to find much in the ways of reviews. I’m specifically the Alpha uses linear rails and bearings, but I don’t know of that’s overkill or not. I used to have a reprap Prusa i3 and wasn’t a fan of the straight rod and printed components, so I’m looking for something mechanically solid. Any thoughts?
I actually have 2 alphas. I had xyz davincis first but recently bought an alpha. After a week of use I decided to sell my davincis and buy a 2nd alpha. I love them. Other than the loud case fans (which I plan on replacing) I don’t have any complaints. It just worked out of the box. Simple to level, high quality prints, and a large print area. Add to that support rocks!!! They are super friendly and helpful. I broke a part and they sent a replacement without question. Compare that to xyz support where they ask for 10 pictures and proof of what you’re saying, then they ask to send the printer to them. I love hatchbox. Great product and great company!!!
Hi Tk, Thanks, that’s exactly what I was looking to hear. I actually just ordered mine the other day and am looking forward to getting into and running. I’ll have to do a detailed review, it seems that there’s not that many out there .
As a follow up, I did buy the alpha in the end and wow, am I impressed. From the time I took it out of the box to the time it was printing was less than 10 minutes, and the first print was perfect. I didn’t even know there was such a pre built, plug n play printer on the market in that price range. By far I think it’s the best printer out their for the money. I was also impressed with the amount of detail from them as far as accessories. Usb-sd adapter, SD card, tools, spool holder, software, firmware, glass plate, binder clips, etc, everything you could possibly need to print abs or pla was right in the box except the filament itself. A+
Have you replaced the power supply(s) by chance as mentioned? Love this printer, just wish it was quieter/less hum. Any suggestions on how to tame the power supply would be very much appreciated!
As to the thread, my friend has a Rostock and this printer is just as good (and is usually ready right out of the box), the advantage of the Rostock is it appears easier to add stuff like volcano/E3D hot end without modifications/tweaks.
I was wondering if the RAMPs board in the Alpha is using a standard 1.4 with the ATMega328p (8-bit) or something more powerful, like a Due based 32-bit board? The calculations to properly do Delta can ba taxing on a micro controller.