We have printed a 10cm tall marvin in multi colour using Strooder filament, we used natural colour PLA pellets mixed with Masterbatch colourants to achieve a spool of multicolour filament. We printed Marvin on a Robox printer, took about 3 hours to print and was made from one continuous strand of filament. I have included a 3d printed banana for scale
@OmniDynamics the quality is looking good and a great choice of test print :P. Hope everything is going well, we are still very keen to try one out.
@OmniDynamics I love the banana for scale!!
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This is awesome on so many levels
Nice work!
Cool! Do you plan the colors out or do you just put things and see what happens?
Hi Alex,
To be honest it depends on the print, for the marvin print we just wanted a whole load of random colour as you said we just throw Masterbatch in to Strooder to see what happened, however if we have specific colours or gradients in mind we plan it out in advance and premix pellets before adding them.
I am trying to print the Marvin to an acceptable quality for the nice people at 3DHubs HQ. This is my best shot so far, with White PLA, 0.8mm head and 0.2mm layers on my kickstarter Robox. Really impressed with your print. Do you think it might be the filament at fault? I am not using Robox original, but a 3rd party supply from Amazon. Any tips?
Good ol’ Marvin, always a challenge! I think it might be good to start a new thread on, so it doesn’t get lost in this one. By tagging it /Robox and /Marvin, you’ll be addressing both communities. I’m positive you’ll get a lot of good feedback here
Good luck!
I’ve printed it again with the 0.3mm head, and a slightly lower temperature for the PLA (190) and it is much much better now. Thanks.
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Looking good! Now that you nailed the settings, you can also start a new Marvin thread to share with other Robox users.