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Jul 2015

Hi -

I wanted to try out the simplify3d software for my printer. I am using a Wanhao duplicator 4s with Sailfish 7.7. Basically a clone of the Makerbot Replicator Dual.

When I create a file using Simplify3d and print it, the printer will start at the lower right corner. Then it emits a blob (as if it should be moving). The nozzle will be completely covered in goo since it it extruding quite a bit without moving.

Anybody got an idea on how to fix this?

  • created

    Jul '15
  • last reply

    Jul '15
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If i remember correctly this is a setting in the firmware. Did you follow the exact steps installing the sailfish firmware? Als what are you basic settings in simplify 3D?

That sounds it to me too. The “factory” firmware would have already had these settings in place. Wonder if he’s using the Makerbot 2 profile or the Duplicator 4X dual profile… I have used the latter with great results…

I’ve been using v3 of s3d with no issues as well as when I was running the varios 2.x.x releases.

Hi, i have same setup as you and simplify does create a little blob of filament. I thinks this is how it should be and for me it’s not a problem. the blob nicely sticks to the plate and it stays there when the extruder moves on to the actual print. You can ask simplify helpdesk if you want to change it…I have good expirience with them…

Best of luck

You could try wipe nozzle in extruder settings in Simplify 3D, maybe this would change it. When my printers starts it extrudes a little material beside the print bed, then draws a line to the print but this is set in the firmware. You can alter it by connecting directly to your printer via ReplicatorG. You can find it in the manual for installing sailfish.

Thanks for pointing this out. My factory firmware was Sailfish 7.7. I have set the device in Simplify to Makerbot Replicator 1 (Dual) and am now seeing the “Wanhao Duplicator 4” setting. I will try this out ASAP

Thanks for your reply. When I opened up the printer it was already installed. I noticed that the manual pointed to a wizard that I did not see on the display. It just defaulted to the main menu. Should I reinstall the F/W?

Great to hear. In my case the extruded amount really gathers around the nozzle which will cause errors later. Can you share some of your settings? Eg. multiplier and temps? Also do you print on glass? Kapton? Painterstape?

I print on buildtak form 3dprima.com 1 – really love it.

I don’t think its a printer thing but a simplify3d thing. When you print with makerware it will have another way of clearing the nozzle before printing (makes one long line and starts to print). Not sure how this proces is called but you will find the answer in simplify3d i think.

I dont know if the problem with the “blob” is solved but I post anyway.

Simplify3D is exelent software for me. But I had the same “blob” with my Wanhao 4 when I did my first print. It was Simplify3D that had those actions in the start-gcode. It is a feature that you can write your own g-code for specific actions, like the start off a print.

In Simplify3D:

When you add/edit your active process(your settings for the print) You klick the Scripts-tab

There you have tabs for g-code for the actions Starting, Layer change, Tool change and Ending

The Starting G-code will be added in the machine-program before the code generated by Simplify3D(the movements you see in the simulation after klicking “prepare to print”

The code there is for heating the nozzle and the buildplate and also for extruding a bit filament so the nozzle is ready and primed when it starts printing

You can add whatever code you like there to get the machine to do what you want in the start

If you can not make your own starting code, you can take mine if you want. I dont leave any garantuee on that it will work, it is makerware-code that I have changed a bit so the nozzle is wiping against the glass a bit in the end.

M136 ;(Enable build)

M73 P0 ;(Manually set build percentage. Valid P values are 0 to 100)

M140 S[bed0_temperature] T0 ;(Set Bed Temperature (Fast))

M104 S[extruder1_temperature] T0 ;(Set Extruder Temperature)

G162 X Y F2000 ;(Home positive XY axes maximum)

G161 Z F900 ;(Home negative Z axis minimum)

G92 X0 Y0 Z-5 A0 B0 ;(set Z to -5) (Define current position on axes)

G1 Z0.0 F900 ;(Move Z to ‘0’)

G161 Z F100 ;(Home negative Z axis minimum)

M132 X Y Z A B ;(Recall stored home offsets for XYZAB axis)

G92 X152 Y72 Z0 A0 B0 ;(Define current position on axes or ?Set current as home?)

G1 X105.400 Y-74.000 Z50.000 F3300 ;(Move to waiting position)

G130 X20 Y20 A20 B20 ;(Lower stepper Vrefs while heating)

M126 S[fan_speed_pwm]

M140 S[bed0_temperature] T0 ;(Set Bed Temperature (Fast))

M109 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ;(Set Extruder Temperature and wait)

M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ;(Set Extruder Temperature)

M134 T0 ;Stabilize bed temperature (Write PID values to EEPROM)

M133 T0 ;Stabilize right extruder temperature (Set PID I limit value)

G130 X127 Y127 A127 B127 ;(Set Stepper motor Vref to defaults)


G1 X105.400 Y-74.000 Z0.270 F9000 ;(Extruder Prime Dry Move)

G1 X-105 F1800 E15 ;(Extruder Prime Start) E = Extruded length in mm while moving

G92 A0 B0 ;(Reset after prime)

G1 Z0 F1000

G1 Y-74 F1000 E0.0

G92 E0 ;Set position E = Extrudes coordinate

G1 X-105 Y-70 F9000; Wipe of

G1 X-105 Y-70 Z1 F3600; Rise for travel

M135 T0; Extruder change

G1 X-105 Y-70 Z1 F1500 A-1.30000; Retract

G1 X-105 Y-70 Z1 F1380; Travel move

M73 P0;

Copy it and replace the code under your “Staritng G-goce” tab, but backup the original code first if something goes wrong

Sounds like a setting within the gcode start or within the firmware. Can you post your start gcode within your profile @ simplify3d? Its under scripts if I remember correctly.

Thanks a lot. I am up and running with the buildtak and simplify3d. Thanks for all the tips and advice.

I’ve printed a couple of ports and I noticed the support turned out great.

The little blob is not causing much trouble, I did notice it takes a few hairs with it. Which temp do you use for PLA? As always I really appreciate your response. Thanks

This works much better now, that makes a lot of difference in the default settings it provides. Key settings I’m sure. Thanks a bunch for pointing this out.

Thanks, I’m going to play around more with those settings. Exciting software.

I haven’t touched those yet so they should be default. It turns out this is not to bad and other factors were causing troubles with the blob. Thank you