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May 2017

Last night was the first time I ever tried to use the SD Port on my printer, I tried 2 SD cards which are working and I had copied the G Code onto

After inserting both of the SD Cards, the LCD stated “NO SD Card Inserted” yet I could read both cards on my laptop.

Can anyone help me out with ideas???

Hi, You have to restart the printer after you inserted the sd card. I have the same problem but after a restart the printer can read my sd card. Regards, Joeri.

You will need to make sure the cards are within the specs of what the printer firmware can read. Some can’t be bigger than 2gig, no folders, short file names and no special characters.

If you need to format the cards then google SD card formatter. There is a good one you can download.

thank you, once I purchase a smaller card I will if it doesnt work still, I will try to restart the printer

The Printer came as a Kit which I had to fully assembled

But the issue has now been resolved thanks to this page, I went out and bought a brand new SD Card which I down sized as suggested, then I reformatted the new card to make sure it was formatted in Fat32, then I copied the file into the root directory

… Now working and reading the SD Card

Thanks everyone who helped