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Jun 2016


I would like to learn the basic of G-code programming language, in order to have a deeper understanding of how the 3D Printers are working. I know that there are a lot of programs that are able to generate the G-Code automatically but, in any case, it’s something that I would like to learn.

Do you have any experience or suggestion about that? Do you know any good source of material? And, final question, can recommend me a good software to compile the code that’s running on Ubuntu?



  • created

    Jun '16
  • last reply

    Jun '16
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To learn basic GCode, just look on google. Wikipedia has a nice general list of commands and what they do.

If you send me a message, i can send you a Gcode simulator. I t only works with windows XP, its old school, but its nice because you just load a .txt file with the GCode you wrote and you can visually see what your code will do. I usually use it to confirm hand written GCode used on CNC converted Anilam set ups.

Thanks for your reply Edoardo: I have used xp for a long time but I recently switched to ubuntu because the old operative system was creating too many problems. I have already read the Wikipedia’s page about Gcode, right now I am looking for some kind of manual with examples and exercises or something like that, in order to try to apply what I am learning.

Let me see if i can find my HW problems from manufacturing class back from undergrad. I fi find them, ill send them your way.