Hi fellow hubbers (is that a word?) my Indiegogo campaign finally went live last night - I want to raise a very large amount of cash to open the first 3d print cafe/studio and learning zone in the North of England - if you don’t live in the area don’t worry, the plan is to provide shipping worldwide to anyone who orders prints. I’m really excited about the campaign and would be gutted if it bombs so please, tell all your friends and, if you can, support.
The campaign is here:
Thank you !!
Jason Spiller
Are prostetics and medical printing really also in your repertoire? That looks awesome.
Medical printing/prosthetics is a field I hope to move into, at the moment I don’t have the facilities to do that sort of work, but if the campaign is successful then medical planning printing ( prints aimed at helping plan an operation - not to be confused with prints that are actually implanted) and custom prosthetics will be high on the ‘to do’ list.
Hi Jason,
is your plan to team up with the makerspace in town or are you going to go it alone?
Hi Steve
I’ve been coming along to 3D print Thursdays for the last few months, getting to know folk (mainly Ben, Will and Greg) I’d love to have a strong link to the makerspace as I think we have a lot to offer each other but the feedback I got was that makerspace wants to do their own thing without any commercial tie-ins so I guess I’m going alone, but I’m more than happy to have any makerspace members along for the ride - you guys have a wealth of knowledge and experience that I really would like to be able to tap into, and if the campaign is successful I should be able to provide a variety of services (and hopefully facilities too) that would be useful to makerspace members as well.
Such a nice project, Jason, thanks for sharing it with us! @ will you share this with our UK Twitter community please? Cheers