Recently purchased a formlab 2
Printer Using the Castable Blue resin but it is very expensive . Does anyone know Of what other brand I can use ? As a replacement for this resin
I haven’t used 3rd part resins though in contest to what @PlastiPrint3D as mentioned, you might take a look at this post if you haven’t already seen it:
3rd party resins used to be an issue with the form 2 but there are now several manufacturers around who produce decent resins and I am in contact with others who are working in getting compatible resins as well.
The universal cartridge enables all the “closed mode” functions for 3rd party resins. Users have reported a significant increase in part dimensional stability and smoothness of the parts.
Some resins are Applylabwork, photocentric, 3dresyn, digitalforge, etc.
One example of an excellent combination of the universal cartridge and 3rd party resins is bluecast resin. It creates beautiful prints.